After starting to quill yesterday I spent the majority of my day experimenting and creating. Below are the giraffe, snowflake, mittens, and snowman that I finished. I hope to continuing some more designs soon and will post them when completed!
From a very early age I have always loved crafts. This is mostly due to my mother who herself is a very artistic soul. Earlier today the two of us took a trip to a scrapbook festival held in a nearby college gym. A lot of the booths had demonstrations going on and one of these was 'quilling'. For free we were able to try out this amazing art form and make the snowman pin that is shown to the right here. I was hooked instantly! As soon as I was home I began cutting strips of plain white printer paper and experimenting! In just over an hour I created both the butterfly and flower that you also see below. I just had to share this unique technique with the blogging world! Grab some paper and enjoy yourself this rainy weekend :)

Ever have that perfect shoe in your mind, and can never find it in real life? The dream shoe that has every little detail that you love so much? The perfect height, toe shape, colour, material, and little bow to make you so happy? Well it is now in reach! The website link below allows you to design that dream! I myself love the shoes I think up in my mind, and I had so much fun creating! The price might be a bit steep for some, but it is completely worth it to get what you want. Each shoe is handmade by experts to the customers specific details and take roughly 5 weeks to ship. Even if you can't afford to buy a pair for yourself you can enjoy the beauty of the gallery, and have a little fun designing yourself!
Purple Silk Platform Heal - Designed By Myself
One of the many designs featured on the websites 'Gallery Page'
One of the many designs featured on the websites 'Gallery Page'
One of the many designs featured on the websites 'Gallery Page'
Not the current line, but so beautiful I just had to share it!